The Benefits of Karate

Karate can help you to become healthier and fitter. It can help to relieve the stress of modern living. Through memorising sequences of techniques and learning how to react to different situations, it can help to develop your mental abilities too. Not only that, but it can boost your self confidence and improve your discipline. Karate is also suitable for all ages (from six up).

Furthermore, by joining A.S.K., you’ll have the chance to learn under the tutelage of Sensei Azad Kumar, a 6th dan black belt and a WUKF-qualified world referee, as well as several other highly experienced black belts.

Children and Karate

Self Confidence
Karate is one of the best builders of self confidence. Traditional Karate training helps prepare a child for life, helping with issues such as bullying, the pressures of exams and the building of self esteem. Children like to perform, especially for the people they love and respect. With a little encouragement and support from the instructor, they will rise to the occasion and surprise themselves with their own achievements.

Children are taught from the outset that Karate is primarily a defensive and not an offensive martial art.
Children learn how to be polite and respect their fellow students, instructor and parents.

A child’s concentration is enhanced if they learn to focus their mind on the job in hand, whether by learning a sequence of complicated techniques in Karate or by passing an exam in school. Many parents notice a marked improvement of concentration once Karate training has commenced.

Adults and Karate

Self Defence:
Street violence, especially muggings, take place in every town in the country, and Karate is an effective form of unarmed combat.

Health and Flexibility
Karate will help to improve your overall fitness and general wellbeing. With regular training, flexibility and strength will improve.

If you think you are interested in learning Karate, please come along to one of our training sessions to see this fascinating art being taught. To find out more please telephone Sensei Kumar on 07808 290260, drop us an e-mail, or if you prefer, feel free to ask us questions over at our Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you!